by Mary Walsh | May 31, 2012 | Materials, Polymers/Composites, Thermodynamics
Epps named Gutshall Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 9:46 a.m., May 31, 2012–Thomas H. Epps, III, associate professor at the University of Delaware, has been named the Thomas and Kipp Gutshall Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. The...
by Mary Walsh | May 23, 2012 | Biomedical, Biomolecular, Bioprocessing, Catalysis/Reactions, Collolds/Particles/Interfaces, Energy/Sustainability, Environment, Materials, Polymers/Composites, Process Control/System Analysis, Thermodynamics, Transport Separations
Sixth annual Delaware Space Grant Research Symposium held 2:01 p.m., May 23, 2012–The Delaware Space Grant Consortium, of which the University of Delaware is an affiliate, held its annual symposium April 27 on the UD campus to highlight research work that has...
by Mary Walsh | May 12, 2012 | Biomedical, Biomolecular, Bioprocessing, Catalysis/Reactions, Collolds/Particles/Interfaces, Energy/Sustainability, Environment, Materials, Polymers/Composites, Process Control/System Analysis, Thermodynamics, Transport Separations
Ten win prestigious graduate fellowships from National Science Foundation 11:14 a.m., May 2, 2012–Ten University of Delaware students and recent alumni have received National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Program Fellowships. Numerous Nobel Prize...
by Mary Walsh | May 9, 2012 | Biomedical, Biomolecular, Bioprocessing, Catalysis/Reactions, Collolds/Particles/Interfaces, Energy/Sustainability, Environment, Materials, Polymers/Composites, Process Control/System Analysis, Thermodynamics, Transport Separations
Robert Pagels, Gealina Dun named outstanding man, woman of the graduating class 3:34 p.m., May 9, 2012–Robert Pagels and Gealina Dun have been selected as the recipients of the Alexander J. Taylor Sr. and Emalea Pusey Warner awards, respectively, as the...
by Mary Walsh | Apr 18, 2012 | Biomedical, Biomolecular, Bioprocessing, Collolds/Particles/Interfaces, Thermodynamics, Transport Separations
Lenhoff to deliver inaugural lecture as Allan P. Colburn Professor 8:26 a.m., April 18, 2012–Abraham Lenhoff, the University of Delaware’s Allan P. Colburn Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, will deliver an inaugural lecture at 4 p.m.,...
by Mary Walsh | Apr 17, 2012 | Biomedical, Biomolecular, Bioprocessing, Catalysis/Reactions, Collolds/Particles/Interfaces, Energy/Sustainability, Environment, Materials, Polymers/Composites, Process Control/System Analysis, Thermodynamics, Transport Separations
Eight research projects, partners selected for first round of Bioscience CAT grants 1:57 p.m., April 17, 2012–The Delaware Biotechnology Institute and the Delaware Economic Development Office have announced eight research projects through the recently...