Peace Corps Plans

Peace Corps Plans

Graduation and Peace Corps on horizon for two UD seniors Two University of Delaware students, John McCarron and Bridgette Spritz, have been selected as Peace Corps volunteers. Ghana and Rwanda will become home to McCarron and Spritz shortly after this weekend’s...
Exceptional research

Exceptional research

Gov. Markell announces BioGENEius Challenge, Celebration of Science winners 9:51 a.m., April 14, 2016–Gov. Jack Markell joined Kelvin Lee, director of the Delaware Biotechnology Institute (DBI), to recognize Delaware students who did exceptional life science...
IGERT cohort

IGERT cohort

Delaware Biotechnology Institute hosts reception for fourth cohort of IGERT trainees 9:10 a.m., Feb. 10, 2016–The Delaware Biotechnology Institute (DBI) hosted a reception for the newest cohort of six trainees participating in the National Science...
Supporting faculty

Supporting faculty

Alumni gift to support faculty recruitment, retention in chemical engineering 1:55 p.m., Oct. 27, 2015–Allan Ferguson was in the very first engineering class taught by the late Jon Olson at the University of Delaware. “He was absolutely brilliant, and here we...