by Mary Walsh | Sep 1, 2020 | Biomedical, Biomolecular, Bioprocessing, Energy/Sustainability
The left side of this image depicts cell fusion between Clostridium ljungdahlii and C. acetobutylicum bacteria as seen through fluorescence microscopy. The right side depicts the formation of hybrid bacterial cells. Researchers uncover how microbial cells from two...
by Mary Walsh | May 18, 2020 | Catalysis/Reactions, Energy/Sustainability
New characterization techniques developed at the Catalysis Center for Energy Innovation may help improve electrochemical storage technologies, such as fuels cells used in UD’s hydrogen fuel cell buses. UD researchers report new method for characterizing materials that...
by Mary Walsh | Apr 6, 2020 | Catalysis/Reactions, Chemical, Energy/Sustainability
An interdisciplinary team of researchers from University of Delaware and Brookhaven National Laboratory report new advances in converting biomass to potential biofuels. Pictured left to right are: Top row: Jiayi Fu, Jonathan Lym Middle row: Weiqing Zheng, Konstantinos...
by Mary Walsh | Feb 23, 2020 | Energy/Sustainability, Environment
With a $3.69 million grant from the National Science Foundation, University of Delaware researchers are working to unlock new routes to sustainably develop materials from lignin. UD researchers explore methods to turn biomass into sunscreens, shoe soles and more...
by Mary Walsh | Dec 20, 2019 | Catalysis/Reactions, Energy/Sustainability
Engineers reveal new way to capture carbon dioxide and use it cleanly and cost effectively As atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations continue to rise, many experts are looking for ways to capture this greenhouse gas and put it to good use. Bingjun Xu, Centennial...
by Mary Walsh | Nov 15, 2019 | Energy/Sustainability, Environment
UD startup W7energy awarded $3.4M in Department of Energy funding W7energy, a startup company with roots at the University of Delaware, just got a proverbial shot in its research arm. The company was recently awarded $3.4 million in new funding from the U.S....