Department News

Major Step for Biopharma Research

Major Step for Biopharma Research

The Ammon-Pinizzotto Biopharmaceutical Innovation Center now under construction on UD’s STAR Campus will house NIIMBL, the Delaware Biotechnology Institute, and UD’s biomedical engineering program, as well as research laboratories in pharmaceutical discovery and molecular and medical sciences.

From Greenhouse Gas to Fuel

From Greenhouse Gas to Fuel

An international team of researchers has revealed a new approach that utilizes a series of catalytic reactions to electrochemically reduce carbon dioxide to methane, the main ingredient in natural gas, eliminating an intermediate step usually needed in the reduction process.

In Memoriam: David Lamb

In Memoriam: David Lamb

David E. Lamb, former University of Delaware professor of chemical engineering, director of UD’s Computing Center and founding chair of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, passed away on March 7, 2019.

New Molecular Sieves

New Molecular Sieves

Researchers make organic frameworks that could sift antibiotic residue out of water An international team of researchers recently synthesized polyarylether-based covalent organic frameworks, the most stable crystalline porous material on...

Why Are Gels Elastic?

Why Are Gels Elastic?

New research shows how clustered particles determine elasticity of some gels From the toothpaste you squeeze on your brush first thing in the morning to the yogurt you slurp down to the fabric softener that keeps your pajamas cozy and soft, gels are ubiquitous in...

Removing Carbon Dioxide From An Air Stream

Removing Carbon Dioxide From An Air Stream

UD engineers develop a fuel cell system that helps environment Someday, we all might drive zero-emission cars. To get there, engineers are working to develop renewable energy solutions, such as fuel cells, that are clean and cost-effective. A team of engineers at the...

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