A New Way to Use Crispr

A New Way to Use Crispr

UD engineers develop methods to use CRISPR technology for conditional gene regulation A team of engineers at the University of Delaware has developed a method to use CRISPR/Cas9 technology to set off a cascade of activities in cells, a phenomenon known as conditional...

Remembering the 41st U.S. President

George H.W. Bush received honorary degree from UD in 1983 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sagittis consectetur suscipit. Nam rhoncus tincidunt fringilla. Curabitur at rhoncus leo. Fusce convallis suscipit enim ut dictum. Sed semper...
Carnegie African Diaspora Fellow

Carnegie African Diaspora Fellow

Ogunnaike to visit University of Lagos in 2017 to strengthen chemical engineering program Babatunde Ogunnaike, dean of the University of Delaware College of Engineering, has been awarded a fellowship from the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program. The...
Chronic Wounds

Chronic Wounds

NIH grant supports research to engineer new biomaterials Chronic wounds cause nearly 80,000 lower leg amputations annually in the U.S. alone and are associated with an increased likelihood of death. While the body generally repairs acute wounds in a predictable series...