The University of Delaware has 21 graduate programs among the 100 best in the nation, according to the 2022 edition of Best Graduate Schools, U.S. News and World Report.

2022 rankings feature UD programs in engineering, education and public affairs

In the 2022 edition of Best Graduate Schools, U.S. News and World Report has ranked 21 University of Delaware graduate programs among the 100 best in the nation, with 12 in the top 50.

“This national recognition of our excellent graduate programs is a testament to the hard work of our distinguished faculty and dedicated staff throughout the University, especially in our growing Graduate College,” said UD President Dennis Assanis. “Advanced education is critically important for creating knowledge, strengthening our economy and improving the lives of people around the world. We’re proud that UD’s graduate programs are at the forefront of that effort.”

Retaining its position among the top 10 in the nation is UD’s chemical engineering graduate program at No. 8. UD was named a Best Engineering Graduate School, ranking 47 overall in a list of more than 200 institutions and with UD engineering specialties also ranking in the top 50.

UD also was named Best Graduate School for Education and Best Graduate School for Nursing (master’s), coming in at 28 and 76, respectively. Individual offerings in UD’s Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration are also prominently listed in the top 40.

This year’s report includes rankings of graduate programs in six major disciplines — business, education, engineering, law, medicine and nursing — and specialty programs in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, health and other disciplines.

“I am delighted to see our graduate programs move up in the rankings and to see some previously unranked programs move into the top 100,” said Louis Rossi, dean of UD’s Graduate College. “The University has been investing steadily in faculty and graduate infrastructure to provide a world class graduate experience, and these rankings reflect those efforts.”

Following are the UD graduate programs that were ranked in the 2022 edition of Best Graduate Schools. The list only includes subject areas evaluated in this year’s edition.

  • Chemical engineering, 8
  • Public financing and budgeting, 17
  • Criminology/Criminal justice, 18
  • Public management and leadership, 27 (up from 36)
  • Education schools, 28 (up from 47)
  • Nonprofit management, 32 (not included previously)
  • Public affairs schools, 34 (up from 38)
  • Materials engineering, 40 (up from 49)
  • Engineering schools, 47
  • Biomedical engineering, 49
  • Mechanical engineering, 49 (up from 50)
  • Environmental engineering, 49
  • Electrical engineering, 53 (up from 58)
  • Civil engineering, 57 (up from 64)
  • Computer engineering, 66
  • History, 73 (up from 91)
  • Nursing schools: master’s, 76 (newly ranked)
  • Sociology, 79
  • Political science, 81
  • English, 82
  • Economics, 87 (up from 97)
  • Business schools, 110-143

U.S. News & World Report also features other top-ranked UD graduate programs which have been ranked in previous years, including UD’s No. 1 program in physical therapy. The full listing of UD graduate programs ranked by U.S. News and World Report may be found on UD’s Institutional Research and Effectiveness Rankings webpage. Please note that the degree categories used by U.S. News might vary slightly from the name of the degree program used by UD.

(featured on UDaily, 03/30/2021)